Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Cucumber Experiment

I found a nice page if someone is interested in container gardening. It's got just enough info to get you started but it's not overwhelming.   Just remember, the containers dry out quicker than if planted in the ground, so more watering will be required.

Here it is

I did a little experiment with cucumbers.  I planted 1 in a container and 1 in the ground. They are the same variety and were planted the same day and are right next to each other. The one in the ground seems to be growing better although neither have produced cucumbers yet.

The Cucumber Experiment :)
The carrots & cantaloupe are starting to grow! We had lots of rain and hot weather. Just what they needed!

Monday, June 9, 2014

The graden is growing. Maybe I should say expanding

I added a few more things to the veggie garden. I am officially out of room. I planted carrots and cantaloupe in the flower bed :)  I gave up on flowers because the chickens just tear them up.  I put some plastic chicken wire over the area were I planted the carrots and cantaloupe to keep the chickens (and wild bunnies) out. Once the carrots are harvested I'll plant radishes!

I think I'm going to do some raised beds next year.  I'll have to do some research. Most of the yard is a septic field and I'm not sure if I can put anything on top of it.

I would love to grow watermelon, pumpkins strawberries, and asparagus. And more corn :) 

I think I need a mini greenhouse too!

Hope this keeps the chickens out of the carrots

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Here a Chick There a Chick Everywhere a Chick Chick

The Silkies have hatched one chick so far. I decided to separate momma & baby since it didn't work out last time. The mean nasty broody Silkie is sitting on the rest of the eggs. Mostly because I knew I would be able to move the "nicer" one.

The peeping of a baby must have triggered something in one of the older chickens because she too decided she wanted to sit on eggs.  Hailey was on chicken duty and was worried when she wouldn't come in to roost. She was even shaking the can of treats. She was smart enough to let her be. A broody hen can be nasty.  (I train my Mini Me Chicken Keepers well) 

A new chicken joined the flock last week. Her name is Reba. She is super sweet & loves people.  She wasn't being a nice girl to her previous flock mates so a friend asked if I would take her.  At this point what's one more chicken :)  

She spends the night with the "Original" Chickens. When the others go out to their big run she follows me around while I feed & water everyone else. she spends the day in the smaller run because the others gang up on her.  I thought about letting her free range but my neighbor reminded me about the cute fox that sits in their yard watching the chickens through our fence.  And yes a fox can climb my 6 foot fence in a blink of an eye.

It is so cute when Mama talks to her chick.
Reba "Helping" me fill feeders